President Barack Obama's war on America's unemployed citizens

President Obama's disgusting El Paso speech leaves no doubt that his administration could care less about the nation's high rate of joblessness and believes that this country's future depends heavily on rewarding lawlessness. 

How else would you characterize this man's permitting  8 million illegal aliens to keep their jobs, most of them in non-agricultural industries, and approving of our continuing policy of each month giving 125,000 green cards to foreign workers , while 22 million of our citizens and legal residents are unable to find full-time jobs?

So why doesn't this man, who sits in the Oval Office in large part because of a spineless mainstream media that followed his political campaign like Pavlov's dog after his lackluster careers in the Illinois State Legislature and  U.S. Senate, at least have the guts to tell the rest of us what he's really thinking about those unable to find full-time jobs: "Don't even think about hoping for change you can believe in." 

And then,  just put a sign on the White House front lawn that reads, "American workers need not apply."