
Immigration: The mother of all issues

Article title: 
Immigration: The mother of all issues
Article author: 
Timothy P. Carney
Article publisher: 
Washington Examiner
Article date: 
Fri, 03/18/2016
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"Amnesty" may have been his undoing.

The 2013 "Gang of Eight" immigration deal arguably killed Marco Rubio's presidential run.

"Build the wall," is Donald Trump's sole consistent policy — besides his proposed moratorium on Muslim immigration.

How did immigration become the dominant issue in the Republican primary?

It's a question that's baffled Republican elites and Beltway conservatives who were caught off guard by the issue's salience. While Washington politicians debated child tax-credits, Obamacare replacements and ethanol mandates, Trump went out and called for a wall to keep out the rapists that Mexico was supposedly sending north.

If immigration sank Rubio, it wasn't because voters agreed with Trump's policies — exit polls actually show most Republican primary voters favoring Rubio's approach to illegal immigrants, which includes a path to legalization.

Instead, the issue was seen in a much rougher sketch by voters: Rubio tried to cut a deal for amnesty; Trump wants to keep out the illegals.

Immigration matters so much first, because it touches on all important policy areas.




Border Patrol expects surge of migrant children just in time for GOP convention

Article title: 
Border Patrol expects surge of migrant children just in time for GOP convention
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Article author: 
Joel Gehrke
Article publisher: 
Washington Examiner
Article date: 
Wed, 03/23/2016
Article expiration date: 
Thu, 09/01/2016
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Border Patrol officials are bracing for another influx of unaccompanied children coming through the border this summer, a crisis that could diminish border security and would certainly affect the 2016 presidential elections.

The number of children who arrive this summer "may exceed" the thousands who made the trip from Central America in 2014. "And it makes it more likely that security risks can take advantage of that situation and penetrate our border, simply riding the tide of the high volume of processing that has to occur," Jan Ting, a Temple University Law professor who testified Wednesday before a House hearing about immigration and border security policy, told Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga. "And looking at [fiscal] 2016, I think a lot of us think we're confronting that situation this year."

If that holds true, then border states face another summer humanitarian crisis. In 2014, the surge provoked a flurry of legislation in response to the problem. The experts proposed a variety of ways to mitigate the problem, but Congress will be out for an extended summer recess due to the presidential elections.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed Ting's projections. "As of January 31 this fiscal year, CBP has apprehended more than 20,000 [unaccompanied children], compared to approximately 10,000 apprehended during the same period last year," acting chief Ronald Vitiello said in his prepared remarks. "As we enter the traditional season of higher migration, we are closely monitoring this situation and working with our partners to ensure that resources and capabilities are in place to accommodate an increased number of [unaccompanied children], and to maintain safe, orderly processing of children that CBP encounters, without disrupting CBP's vital border security mission."

All You Americans Are Fired

Article title: 
All You Americans Are Fired
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Article author: 
Jessica Garrison, Ken Bensinger, Jeremy Singer-Vine
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
Tue, 12/01/2015
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The H-2 guest worker program, which brought in 150,000 legal foreign workers last year, isn’t supposed to deprive any American of a job. But many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to deny jobs to U.S. workers so they can hire foreigners instead. A BuzzFeed News investigation.


MOULTRIE, Georgia — “All you black American people, fuck you all…just go to the office and pick up your check,” the supervisor at Hamilton Growers told workers during a mass layoff in June 2009.

The following season, according to a lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, about 80 workers, many of them black, were simply told: “All you Americans are fired.”

Year after year, Hamilton Growers, which has supplied squash, cucumbers, and other produce to Wal-Mart and the Green Giant brand, hired scores of Americans, only to cast off many of them within weeks, according to the U.S. government. And time after time, the grower filled the jobs with foreign guest workers instead.

Although Hamilton Growers eventually agreed to pay half a million dollars to settle the suit, company officials said the allegations are baseless. Mass firings never happened, they said, nor did anyone use racially inflammatory language. But workers tell a different story.

“We want to go to work and work all day,” said Derrick Green, 32, a father of six who said he was fired by Hamilton Growers in 2012 after only three weeks picking squash. “But they don’t want that.”

Last year, thousands of American companies won permission to bring a total of more than 150,000 people into the country as legal guest workers for unskilled jobs, under a federal program that grants them temporary work permits known as H-2 visas. Officially, the guest workers were invited here to fill positions no Americans want: The program is notsupposed to deprive any American of a job, and before a company wins approval for a single H-2 visa, it must attest that it has already made every effort to hire domestically. Many companies abide by the law and make good-faith efforts to employ Americans.

Yet a BuzzFeed News investigation, based on Labor Department records, court filings, more than 100 interviews, inspector general reports, and analyses of state and federal data, has found that many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to skirt the law, deliberately denying jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.


A previous BuzzFeed News report found that many of those foreign workers suffer a nightmare of abuse, deprived of their fair pay, imprisoned, starved, beaten, sexually assaulted, or threatened with deportation if they dare complain.



GOP's election of Paul Ryan as House Speaker is more bad news for American workers

American workers at all skill levels, already facing an uncertain jobs environment, saw their search for a better life threatened even more with the election of Rep. Paul Ryan as House Speaker.

Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, has a long history of favoring open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, recently was revealed as being the House’s leading advocate of pushing through a House version of the 2013 Senate amnesty bill that would have doubled annual legal immigration to 2 million people and added 33 million foreign workers to our already bloated labor force. Read more about GOP's election of Paul Ryan as House Speaker is more bad news for American workers

Q & A with Rep. Mark Pocan ignores the real issues

Given the seriousness of the threat to the nation's sovereignty and rule of law posed by the federal government's irresponsible immigration policy, you would think that the Wisconsin State Journal's September 20 Q&A with U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-2nd) might have chosen far more serious issues to discuss than gay rights, Pocan's opinion of the GOP presidential candidates and why he moved to a rural area from Madison. Read more about Q & A with Rep. Mark Pocan ignores the real issues

Deportations and the myth of 'tearing families apart'

In the wake of this month's murder of a San Francisco woman by an illegal alien deported five times, it's time to take a closer look at the bogus argument pushed by illegal aliens and their advocates and perpetuated by a Pavlovian media that deportations are "tearing families apart." Read more about Deportations and the myth of 'tearing families apart'

San Francisco man accused of waterfront killing was deported five times: ICE

Article title: 
San Francisco man accused of waterfront killing was deported five times: ICE
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Article author: 
Douglas Ernst
Article publisher: 
The Washington Times
Article date: 
Fri, 07/03/2015
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A man accused of gunning down a woman Wednesday along a popular San Francisco waterfront is a convicted felon who has been deported several times, government officials said.

Francisco Sanchez, 45, who was arrested in connection with the seemingly random killing of Kathryn Steinle, 32, while she walked along the city's Pier 14 with her father, was last deported in 2009 — the fifth time he has been sent back to Mexico, authorities said.

"His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges," Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said in a statement, Fox News reported Friday


NumbersUSA rates 2016 presidential candidates

Article title: 
NumbersUSA rates 2016 presidential candidates
Article author: 
Roy Beck
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
Tue, 05/26/2015
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1st Edition of Immigration Grades for 20 Presidential Hopefuls

Roy Beck's Picture



After weeks of work, our NumbersUSA team is ready to show you our evaluations of the 20 politicians who Real Clear Politics show are polling at 1% or higher for the 2016 Presidential Election.

We've chosen a really easy URL for the Grade Cards for the 2016 Presidential Hopefuls.


Only two of the 20 Hopefuls earn a decent grade at this time. But we always expect improvements.

We will re-evaluate all category ratings and all grades EVERY week until the Primaries are over and the 2016 general election is held.

But in our first week of publishing our analyses, these are the grades we have to give out:

1 A
1 B-minus

2 C
4 C-minus

5 D+
2 D-minus

2 F
3 F-minus

What do these grades mean? Read on . . .


Hillary hires former illegal alien as 'Latino Outreach Director'

Washington Post syndicated columnist has asked whether presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is sincere in picking activist Lorella Praeli,  the former head of United We Dream, to put herself in good graces with Latinos. Read more about Hillary hires former illegal alien as 'Latino Outreach Director'

Wisconsin Democrat mirrors hypocrisy of her corrupt party

In her op-ed, "Wisconsin still the Selma of the north,' " that appears in the March 2 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore(D-4th) argues that the state's voter ID law "disenfranchises people of color" in much the same manner as those laws that denied blacks their constitutional rights prior to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Read more about Wisconsin Democrat mirrors hypocrisy of her corrupt party


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