Population Forecast

Chart 1 below shows the three population forecasts of the US Census Bureau. The difference forecasts depends almost entirely on the assumed rates of immigration. Not only does immigration affect population growth directly, but because immigrants have more children than native born Americans, there is an indirect affect as well.

Note that if net immigration (immigrants minus emigrants) were only about 200,000 annually the population of the US would level out and even decline very slightly. If net immigration (including illegals) averaged one million annually. US population will soar to over 500 million by the end of this century. This is the forecast that the Census Bureau labels “most likely.” However the Census Bureau has always underestimated population growth.

If the present growth in immigration continues – which is a certainty unless the US acts to control immigration from all sources, then the High Series projection becomes a mathematical certainty, i.e., the US population will pass one billion people within the present century. With a billion people the US will join China and India in terms of population density and all the commensurate problems of environmental deterioration, political instability, loss of living standards, etc. In short. we will have destroyed the American Dream for most Americans.

Finally it should be noted that we must act quickly. It takes about 50 years (two generations) before birth rates of immigrants fall to the US average. Hence, even if we were to cut off all immigration tomorrow, the higher birth rate of immigrants of the past 30 years will continue to drive up US population form years to come.

As has been said, the US is well on the road to national suicide.

US Census population forcast to 2100