Obama makes it official: Illegal aliens more important than unemployed Americans

Barack Obama, the man who was elected president to represent the interests of all the American people, loves to chatter on about jobs being a "top priority" for his administration. 

You don't need an advanced degree in economics (or constitutional law) to know that one of the easiest and least expensive way of creating jobs is to remove illegal aliens from our workforce. 


A "credible" immigration policy at last? What about credible media coverage?

Fifteen years after she testified as the chair of President Clinton's immigration reform commission, Barbara Jordan's recommendations for a credible immigration policy will finally get the serious consideration they deserve. 

Briefly, what Jordan was looking for was: 

* Mandatory workplace verification to take away the jobs magnet

* Elimination of chain migration

Wisconsin columnist shirks journalistic responsibility

The Capital Times' Pat Schneider, like many of her media colleagues given the privilege of writing opinion pieces for a living, mistakenly believes that her freedom from the more stringent rules that govern those assigned to reporting the news completely relieves them from telling what the late radio commentator Paul Harvey used to call "the rest of the story."  

This is not so,...

"Hispanically Speaking News" is clueless about the rule of law

Try not to laugh, OK?  If you're looking for the "reason" the federal government chooses to enforce its own immigration laws that were created primarily to protect American workers and legal immigrants, don't bother reading  Hispanically Speaking News(HSN).

These folks don't have both oars in the water.

In HSN's Dec. 13 item decrying the arrest of 50 illegals working in...

Terry Greene Sterling: Another biased journalist with no respect for the facts

In her very lengthy (4,000 words) December 2 attack on the Federation for American Immigration Reform that appears in the OC Weekly and elswhere, Terry Greene Sterling, who calls herself the "White Woman in the Barrio," followed the years-old media format of demonizing those who demand enforcement of our immigration laws that were created primarily to protect American workers. 

In her...

Sour economy says U.S. should sharply reduce legal immigration

It’s time to close the “Golden Door” to all but a few exceptions.

The official name of this statue is "Liberty Enlightening the World," not "Liberty Inviting the World." Since 1990, this nation has been annually admitting more than 1 million legal immigrants or more than four times the historic average that existed during the first 200 years of our history.   At a time when our economy has...
An open letter to The Washington Post's Edward Schumacher-Matos

Dear Mr. Schumacher-Matos:

Your Novemver 5 column "What an immigrant would say to Boehner" is so typical of the mainstream media's coverage of the immigration issue that creates the impression that only the foreign-born, especially illegal aliens, are entitled to search for a better life.

Elitists like yourself preach  the need to "tone down the rhetoric" but then in the next...

Did Hispanics really save Harry Reid's hind end?

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Chicago) says here that they did: 

"Latino citizens responded to Majority Leader Harry Reid's aggressive pursuit of immigration reform by voting for him in overwhelming numbers," he said in a statement. "They were clearly the difference in his victory." 

But Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies provides some food for thought:

