Nearly two-thirds disapprove of Obama on immigration: poll

David Sherfinski
The Washington Times
September 15, 2014

Nearly two-thirds of likely voters in key U.S.House and Senate races disapprove of how President Obama is handling the immigration issue, with a narrow plurality favoring the Republican party over the Democrats.

Sixty-four percent disapprove of how Mr. Obama is handling immigration, a new Politico poll said. Thirty-four percent trust the Republican party more to handle the issue and 31 percent say they trust Democrats more.

Mr. Obama announced earlier this month he would put off taking unilateral action to halt deportations until after the November elections, which disappointed immigrant rights groups but in the near term could help several vulnerable Democrats who feared such a move from the president might doom their campaigns.

As for the influx of unaccompanied minors across the southern border, 49 percent say the children should be deported after the appropriate judicial hearings and 29 percent support having them stay in the country.