
Mark Pocan: Master of deceit on immigration policy

Rep. Mark Pocan continues to leave his constituents guessing as to where he stands on the nation’s federally-created immigration crisis. Read more about Mark Pocan: Master of deceit on immigration policy

American Legion continues to drag its feet on illegal immigration

The American Legion, the nation's largest veterans organization,  published in May 2007 its 35-page "Policy on Illegal Immigration, A Strategy to address Illegal Immigration in the United States."

Since then, I haven't seen any public statements from the Legion asking why our inept federal government has not come to grips with a reckless and irresponsible public policy that affects all of us on a daily basis. Read more about American Legion continues to drag its feet on illegal immigration

American Legion remains silent on illegal immigration

The American Legion, the nation's largest veterans organization, published in May 2007 its 35-page "Policy on Illegal Immigration, A Strategy to address Illegal Immigration in the United States."

Since then, I haven't seen any public statements from the Legion asking why our inept federal government has not come to grips with a reckless and irresponsible public policy that affects all of us on a daily basis. Read more about American Legion remains silent on illegal immigration

Flag-waving Chicago Tribune editorial board again shows it preference for illegal aliens over American workers

Why isn't Chicago columnist demanding an end to his city's "sanctuary" policy for illegal aliens?

In recent back-to-back columns, Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass blasted the Cook County Board for its September decision to make Chicago even more inviting to illegal aliens. Read more about Why isn't Chicago columnist demanding an end to his city's "sanctuary" policy for illegal aliens?

Southern Poverty Law Center needs to put up or shut up

Founded in 1995 as an educational organization to inform the public about the need to restore stability to our immigration policy and protect American workers, the Midwest Coalition to Reduce Immigration (MCRI) can best be described as being "low-key."  We don't engage in marches, demonstrations, protest rallies, etc.  We do accept speaking engagements and distribute information, mostly news items, to others around the nation concerned about the immigration issue.  
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